Could ancient wisdom help with understanding contemporary man?
Inspired by the ancient Petraean Goddess of Power, Al-Uzza, research in 2019 took Dr Macleod on a journey of rediscovery into genetics and Mitochondrial DNA. Shared through our mothers it links us back to Mitochondrial Eve.
By comparing the DNA code from two samples, one ancient and one modern, a profile was moulded using bioscience and computer design technology into mini sculptures. The way the code had changed over 10,000 years ‘painted’ a novel portrait of contemporary man.
Materials and forms were selected to place these ‘gems’ against settings inspired by the past and present.
The startling truth is the actual code differences were tiny. The contemporary code only differed by 0.02% from the mesolithic Mitochondrial DNA code.
So this collection is a record our similarity, comparability, homogeneity…
We are indeed all equal.